For everyone of us the body has undiscovered resources
George Downing and his colleagues offer training and supervision for mental health practionners in two related methods:
Body-Focused Therapy and Video Intervention Therapy.
In Body-Focused Therapy the body and bodily action are explored from the inside.
In Video Intervention Therapy the body and bodily action are observed from the outside.
Either method can be used alone. Many therapists choose to combine the two.
George Downing, Ph.D., psychologist, American, has worked for years in psychiatry at Salpetrière Hospital, and was formally a member of the teaching faculty at University VIII, Paris. He currently does training and supervision for clinical teams at the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich, Germany; the University of Basel, Switzerland; Bicocca University, Milan, and the University of Bologna, Italy; the University of Girona, Spain.
He is also a research consultant for the Attachment Research Laboratory at the New School for Social Research, New York. He is the author of numerous articles on body psychotherapy and on intervention with video.